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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:11 pm
by Cyrus
So, the fact that me and luke rekindled our relationship and I'm back in love with him again and Melvin has agreed to an open relationship things are going great now....

New Goals:

1. Learn how to beat Bahamut!!!!

I really want to obtain a 50% win percentage on him. He has consistently been very close with me in certain levels and then completely blows me up in others. It is devastating dealing with his movement, and when he is focused it is definitely like playing one of the best (I want to beat this version of baha). Much respect dude, but I definitely want to get my respect also and be able to grow as a pilot and stand toe to toe with you. Your connection is putrid sometimes, but that's why we have spread and it is indeed the internet - NOT LAN. I should be able to beat anybody regardless of the connection. Done making excuses with you - you're better right now. I need to fix this.

2. Beat Birds in a Fusion only map!!

Birds, as much as I talk shit to you, please understand I do respect you as a pilot. I do think you're an egotistical, manipulating, antagonizing whore, but that's cool - I can deal with that. I know he's not on the dcl, but legend has it he may join one day when he thinks he can beat everyone, so long as it doesn't tarnish his IDL days that mean so much FORWARDSLASHsarcasm. Core is the best and you're stupid for thinking otherwise. You're a manipulating whore...change the core level list from within.

3. Learn to not get mad at Luke while playing him in X Levels and maybe do okay?

Literally, we had a month long fight, which basically started from this issue. I honestly do NOT enjoy x's what so ever. I really want to try and like x's since my teacher is so fond of them. I just want to be able to put up a respectable score and not get all pissed off when he all of a sudden goes on a 5 kill streak. Every time we are in game my mind says: If this was x1 that would have never happened - I want to lose that attitude and blame myself for not figuring out the situation.

4. Stop being the asshole that I have become to the people who I respect the most

This does not include birdseye. This includes Jedi, Vaniac, Rethink and Deimos.

Luke I know you are sensitive and I will make it up to you.

Rethink luckily is not sensitive and I believe - even though we haven't talked about it we have gotten over our little dumb tough guy talks. I hope you return soon brother.

Vaniac, dude you are such a nice guy. I am such a shit. I am sorry for being a disrespectful prick. You got to understand your vulcan drives me crazy and your connection drives me crazy. I hate losing to you more than anyone. I don't know why. I feel like I'm playing one of the most pleasant people on here, yet I want to hate you. I will not act like that anymore. I'd rather just log off if it gets to that point and realize it is just a fucking game.

Deimos, you hate me. I really wish you didn't. I swear to God I did not purposely disconnect from that game. If I could prove it I would. If I did do something like that I would certainly admit to it. I wish you had beaten me. You probably wouldn't be as pissed.

Anyhow, I have no idea why I posted this stuff.


Re: Goals/Motivation/Changes

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:29 pm
by bahamut

Re: Goals/Motivation/Changes

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 1:46 pm
by Jediluke
when one of you gets to the top and absolutely everyone else is gunning for beating you specifically....>THEN you'll realize just how much training you have to do :)

just sayiin'

Re: Goals/Motivation/Changes

PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:39 pm
by birdseye
Sounds like a good plan Cyrus, it's nice to hear you are branching out - maybe ask Vainiac for a couple of new levels to try as well :)

Thx for all the love letters, btw. There is a Melvin match follow up comment out there that goes something like "You can tell how much someone loves you by how much they think about you when you're not around."
