Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:06 pm
Jimmy Rustles:
I am the very model of a municipal dumpster fire
I like to mock and tease and boast and invoke lots of salt and ire
People h8 to like me and I'm often called deplorable
I used to back my smack-talk up, but now I am just horrible
I'm very well acquainted, too, with challenges promotional
I've never lost a single one, and yet have been demoted still
About the algorithm I am steaming with a plume of h8
With many gross examples of how silver tier I can't escape!
Silver Tier Chorus:
wItH mAnY gRoSs ExAmPlEs Of HoW sIlVeR tIeR hE cAn'T eScApE!
wItH mAnY gRoSs ExAmPlEs Of HoW sIlVeR tIeR hE cAn'T eScApE!
wItH mAnY gRoSs ExAmPlEs Of HoW sIlVeR tIeR hE cAn'T eScApE!
Jimmy Rustles:
I'm very good at creeping 'round and knowing where to ambush next
I know the expletives they shout when I am riding on their six
But if your pilot's page is looking like a dumpster fire, well
Just sit back and watch me, kid: mine's a @#$%ing funeral pyre!
Silver Tier Chorus:
bUt If YoUr PiLoT's PaGe Is LoOkInG lIkE a DuMpStEr FiRe
SiT bAcK aNd WaTcH hIm CaSt HiMsElF uPoN a FlAmInG fUnErAl PyRe!
I am the very model of a municipal dumpster fire
I like to mock and tease and boast and invoke lots of salt and ire
People h8 to like me and I'm often called deplorable
I used to back my smack-talk up, but now I am just horrible
I'm very well acquainted, too, with challenges promotional
I've never lost a single one, and yet have been demoted still
About the algorithm I am steaming with a plume of h8
With many gross examples of how silver tier I can't escape!
Silver Tier Chorus:
wItH mAnY gRoSs ExAmPlEs Of HoW sIlVeR tIeR hE cAn'T eScApE!
wItH mAnY gRoSs ExAmPlEs Of HoW sIlVeR tIeR hE cAn'T eScApE!
wItH mAnY gRoSs ExAmPlEs Of HoW sIlVeR tIeR hE cAn'T eScApE!
Jimmy Rustles:
I'm very good at creeping 'round and knowing where to ambush next
I know the expletives they shout when I am riding on their six
But if your pilot's page is looking like a dumpster fire, well
Just sit back and watch me, kid: mine's a @#$%ing funeral pyre!
Silver Tier Chorus:
bUt If YoUr PiLoT's PaGe Is LoOkInG lIkE a DuMpStEr FiRe
SiT bAcK aNd WaTcH hIm CaSt HiMsElF uPoN a FlAmInG fUnErAl PyRe!