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We've been in the works.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:45 pm
by Code
As the DCL closes their doors, and the legacy mode takes place, I and B2af would like to give our shot in the Descent community as a dev, and founder. We want to create a new era, the new chapter in Competitive Descent. Ultimately we want to build a descent community... not so much just a "league" or a "ladder". We want pilots to be able to discover various leagues, flavors that appeal to them D1, D2, D3, etc… We want to be beyond leagues, we want to be a unified community. Our vision is to extend into mobile devices that send push notifications, and even a mobile platform that can perform reporting, and challenging from the device. Vision only goes so far, so, right now we want to push out a discord oriented 1v1 ladder. It will work, be operated, and exist through discord. It's time to utilize the Discord community and the abilities that Developers have through the platform. Early drafts are being made, and the bot is already coming through some substantial barriers, help would be appreciated, and beneficial to starting this new chapter in descent. You can choose to be apart of this opportunity, and be directly responsible for the success of it, or you can ignore it, and let it fall through the floor. Our vision is to connect all communities: Rangers, Competitive, Casual, Singleplayer, Co-op, D3, EVERYONE. We want to connect them all. We are investing time and money into this, and we will work hard to make this vision happen but we need your help. We can't wait for what the future holds, so for now consider this new "community" Project D.
Thanks, Code & B2af