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PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:25 pm
by melvin
What can we expect from increasing packets per second in a multiplayer game? Is the game smoother? I'd try for myself but I have a birthday party to go to at the moment. I am curious due to lotharbot's latest match comment. Why is it so awesome?


PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:48 pm
by LotharBot
yes, high PPS makes the game smoother. Basically, you get a packet from an opposing ship every 30 ms instead of every 100 ms -- and if they're firing, you get even more packets. So your computer spends less time guessing where they are from a 99-ms old packet and more time being pretty sure where they are.

(Why didn't we have this before? D1 was originally written with a cap of 20 pps -- and some buggy code made it so that some modern systems overheated when going over 10 pps.)