Yeah, silver can be crazy scary. I remember when it was me, Merl, Baha at the top... we wrecked stuff. With Lotharbot, Ernie, Baha, Vainiac there... it feels very similar.
Anarchy scores are a lot closer than 1v1 scores with the same pilots, and more is up to chaos even in a long game, and team ffa gets weirder. Some people are just good at teams. Sirius certainly is.
I see where you're going with this, though. Get the top 4 or 5 silver pilots on a team, and you'd be a force even against a team of golds. The major problem with playing all 7 golds is that adding weaker pilots to a team makes it weaker, and I think you're going to run out of "almost gold"s. I don't think you can generally rely on the silver pilots to win even fights in anarchy... it'll be closer that it is in 1v1, but folks like SJ and Rethink just have wall-melting execution. But you want enough pilots to get a lot of even fights, because being OUTNUMBERED by golds doesn't seem like a good idea either.
I mean, you wanna be in a fight with me AND Sirius at once? Cyrus AND Rethink? Eep.
Admittedly that goes both way. If Lotharbot and Vainiac were both after me in a fight, I'd be making an expeditious exit! But I think if you try to put enough silvers on a team that you get a numbers advantage in individual fights, you're going to be giving too much away in providing your opponents some weaker targets to go after.
Top 5 silvers of your choice vs 3 golds of our choice... I have absolutely no idea how that would come out. Conventional wisdom is that more targets = more points, but I bet you could come up with five silver pilots that nobody this side of Jediluke considers a "target", and that's going to be a LOT of getting shot in the back.