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*Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 5:23 pm
by Code
Hello, Fellow DCL community!

Here to make the all so expected post about inactivity here on the DCL and the community.

I've noticed something:

People seem to want to play the game more when there is a set day, time, or reason to play; hence why I think we should come up with ideas for an initial day or time to play 1v1's/FFA's

Now, I know what you are thinking. "fFa'S aRE ThUrSDAy's." Listen, there's more casual FFA's on days that so happens to not be the agreed day for FFA's. So instead of trying to force the FFA Thursday's. We should come up with something else. Something with a spice, or tang to it.

That's why I'm making this! Throw some stupid Ideas in the pot go crazy!

I would be fine with committing on working on something for Descent. If someone took over the torch, I would DIE trying to keep it lit.

I have ideas but they are vaguely similar to the OBS. And Last time I checked I can't program, so that's out of the picture.

C'mon lets get creative!

Instead of mourning over the death of Descent, let's put ACTUAL work into making the best out of it. If the community dies peacefully out of neglect we all have the blame.

Glowing Regards!

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:50 am
by Morfod
You first.

*edit: This message was shorter than five words.

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:50 pm
by Code
Ok, I've got this itch to have an established day, and dates for games throughout the year. Alot like Rangers, but with a DCL spin to it.

I would think this would be a more casual oriented series of games, we'd have alot more players with casual games. Some people refuse the DCL because of the competitive style. We need to break the seal on who's who and where they belong. We're a community god dangit, and we're the last.

Maybe on Friday, we could have a Tourney day where we all spin a wheel online and choose the competing pilots. (Like OBS just a more casual)

We could have 1v1 days where we mainly focus on underrated maps so new creators and new maps have a competing chance.

We could play a game where controls are split between the two and said opponents have to change according to this new config.

We could have trophy days where we all compete for trophies.

At LAN some of us tried a 1v1 where 2 pilots played 1 computer at the same time. (I'm sure you remember if you went) We had a blast! If we got together and came up with some ideas we could be playing those things!

I'm tired of being carried into the Norm of 1v1 competitive. I love it, but I get tired of it, and I love this community too much to leave it.

Not at first, but after I realized what it was I was so excited about because it was new, and the community came together and agreed on new terms. (Please Ernie Bring it back)

I think alot of the fun to this game has been lost because we've been playing it what, 20 years? Let's do something new! Let's give the DCL community a new name, and take on new things.

As I said, I would be willing to work on projects, but I have my limitations on what I can do. I would love to work on a game event schedule for 1v1/FFA oriented games, but I'd like that to be a meeting sort of thing. After all, this is a community gathering.

I think it might be painfully obvious, but I just want to community to find a bit more enjoyment outside of the DCL's competitiveness. I've been playing 2 years non-stop and I'm burned out like crazy, I'm ready to try new things.

I want this to be a community thing, not so much a DCL thing. A good time doesn't root from scores, its roots from fun!

Let's loosen up.

Someone, anyone, throw some ideas!

(Edit) It doesn't even have to be a official orginized calendar. It can just be an Agreed day for such events. Regardless, It's something to chew on. I've thought about this for a long while.

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:03 am
by Swarthy
Maybe it's not the responsibility of the DCL per se. The DCL purpose seems to be a place to seriously compete against others 1v1, record the outcome, insert into the algorithm, adjust the pilot ratings and we get closer to a colored skill status tier....ending in diamond hopefully. The competitive nature of some people keeps them hooked to playing until they can beat someone who has dominated them before. Sometimes people reach a goal they feel is enough and they leave. Sometimes life gets in the way and a game is no longer a luxury they can afford. In the end, the DCL, (the algorithm) is an app to publicly record how good or how rusty you are at Descent 1.

Start an FFA Descent community. One based on gameplay or friendships. Poll people interest level first but you can have the easy twitch stream obs option if you want the competition aspect. you can have a calendar of days people are available to play. You can offer coop runs, teams nights, 1v1 DCL rules but no reports, CTF nights. Have an admin or two but no rankings or commanders. Let people hook up, know when to hook up, have a reason or two to hook up, offer a discord channel with all the channels and a website of course. GLHFGG tried to break away from the DCL but they had a ladder and you can get that done here very well. Don't completely separate from the DCL but make the DCL a part of the new FFA Descent community as a sister site or a part of the calendar of events...DCL night.

Create another 1v1 and teams community as Overload did, but make it Descent. Make it look cool and fun and get good people to join up. twitch stream it with play-by-play from good announcers. Have a new map night! Descent 2 or 3 night. Maybe ask about collecting emails for announcements of games/events/etc. OBS is not a DCL event and yet people love it. The rangers are organized but someone has to do the organizing.

Remember...if you get Melvin to join it will be a success!

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:27 pm
by melvin
people love to laugh at my (totally intentional) pratfalls!

also, code... count me out!

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:41 am
by Mark392
I play WoW, y’all are welcome to join me :)

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 11:29 am
by Code
With only shreds of optimism left, I'm ready to let this idea go.

I've kinda put Descent's absence lately tucked away in the back shelf. What's the point in pushing towards a direction it will inevitably crash at?

I think the beauty and glow of Descent come from the sheer attitude put towards it when you have pilots who are willing to fight. I served my sentence. I Love this game, it's taught me a lot, for real! but I come to understand now more than ever, that things move on.

Descent isn't alive, and yeah maybe it has some things to do with the climate, and season outside,

But, let's face it. It's dying out, and, I'm okay with it.

I want to host a little time test game thingy:

Make your projections, where do you think that the descent community will go from here to next December: PUT your projections in this thread

Exactly how many pilots?
Will there be another diamond?
Who will be the top?
More Bronze pilots?
#1 Bronze
#1 Silver
#1 Gold
#1 Diamond
#1 Map?

Just get crazy Make predictions!

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:54 pm
by Makaveli
I predict Vrooden will outlive us all

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:04 pm
by Jediluke
wow, now that's a name I've not seen for quite some time!

Re: *Insert Cliche Title Here*

PostPosted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:26 pm
by Makaveli
I assumed this game was completely dead in 2000 or so. Pretty shocked to find this.