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PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 5:49 am
by roncli
During peak hours, we have so many people that are just looking for a DCL, I wonder if it wouldn't be worth to create some kind of simple queuing system.

Three features I can think of:

* "I want to fight against bronze, silver, or gold pilots", or any combination of the 3.
* "I do not want to fight anyone I've played on the DCL in the last X days or hours" with several reasonable options, including zero for those who are okay with playing someone over and over.
* "I do not want to fight against specific players" - This one may not be needed, but it might help for people who just can't stand playing that one pilot.

When you're queued, you're presented with a waiting screen. When a match is found, a sound is played on repeat until you stop it (I'm totally thinking the guidebot noise would be perfect for this), and then players would have a chat room made available in which they can discuss level, options, and what not.

Queues are not challenges, and you're not required to play a pilot you're paired with in a queue, they're just simply for people who want a DCL. (Nothing stopping you from CHALLENGING the other pilot, however!) At off-peak hours, someone could theoretically be in the queue for a long time, but during peak hours this could significantly help people who are just looking for a matchup.


Re: Queues

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:51 am
by melvin
Sounds like you want tinder but for descent. The thought that there are so many pilots looking for DCL matches is pleasant and surprising.

Re: Queues

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 4:08 pm
by roncli
I am a pilot
Looking for a pilot
I am interested in quad lasers, fusion, and long walks on the beach

Haha, yeah, something like that. :) There have been some days recently when there've been a ton of DCLers playing. This wouldn't replace being able to challenge people, just a tool to help people find others they want to play without having to be pressed for "DCL?" all the time. It also helps the introverts like me to get the games they want without having to break out of our hamster balls. :)