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Machiko vs. DaRkSiTh


104DaRkSiTh20D2 NysaGG nice predictions!04-12-2001 11:34
94DaRkSiTh20D2 KegpartyGG!! well placed s-missiles!04-02-2001 07:22
85DaRkSiTh20D1 VampedGG! 1st idl match in d1 :D03-31-2001 00:25
74DaRkSiTh20D2 NeptuneGG thanks for the game =)03-27-2001 00:24
64DaRkSiTh20D2 NeptuneGG!! i appreciate your advice03-23-2001 01:28
55DaRkSiTh20D2 UESGG! was a quick game :)03-21-2001 02:51
44DaRkSiTh20D2 NeptuneGG! thanks again and always03-15-2001 20:02
38DaRkSiTh20D2 NeptuneGG!! thx 4 the tips & all :D03-14-2001 10:14
26DaRkSiTh20D2 HallowedGG! thank you for the lesson03-12-2001 23:41
16DaRkSiTh20D2 Minerva3GG, play again soon darksith03-11-2001 22:44

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