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Dice vs. TheGame


2[1] Dice (15)
330 ping lag is fine...not accepting 3 homers with lvl 4 lasers pounding u while u are stuck in a corner is a bit excessive. and i didn't point out your lag at every kill so stop over exaggerating. u certainly had your fair share of mean comments.
[9] TheGame (10)
Wasnt in the mood for you telling me I lagg on every single kill. I know I do.. I cant help it. I cant get cable untill oct. Your suposed to be a demigod.. learn to deal with a 330 ping
D1Nysa22-08-02 21:57(T) (WH)
1[2] Dice (15)
gg bud
[4] TheGame (1)
Oh what a day ;) Some evil doors. They need a fusion match award on here or somthing ;)
D1Mega nysa24-02-02 17:15
(*) - Forfeit (X) - Exhibition (D) - Domination (T) - Title match
(F) - Fusion cup match (B) - Blind cup match (WH) - Winner's home (LH) - Loser's home
(R) - Rematch

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