Highlights from this game: https://clips.twitch.tv/getpfunky/AverageGuanacoKappaWealth https://clips.twitch.tv/getpfunky/CalmTermiteArsonNoSexy https://clips.twitch.tv/getpfunky/QuaintButterflySmoocherZ https://clips.twitch.tv/getpfunky/CrazyDragonflyPuppeyFace - roncli
Nice! That smart kill pfunk got made me jump so high. - melvin
The QuaintButterflySmoocherZ one was interesting. I see the lag lead at 90ms is about the same at around 140ish. Did you not see pfunk melvin? It kind of looked like auto pilot was on for a second. Hehe. - ERNIE392
Naw couldn't see him. Heard him though! - melvin
Calm Termite Arson is hilarious - Wats