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# 4Jediluke20 12Cyrus# 3
"meh" "GG brother!"
Won't happen again easily! That's fo sho! - Mark392
Enjoy that one time.... :) - PFunk (Sloth)
Once I lose once....it usually means it will happen again. Though I have no intentions of making it easy for him. At least...no easier than I already did...showing him my every move...explaining my every thought and helping mold him. I helped create my own problem I guess....but I'd have it no other way. I will not keep my piloting tricks a secret.....I will glady share them with anyone...and dare them to beat me even with that info. - Jediluke
and don't mistake that philopshy for arrogance...some champions from the past kept their ways mystical...I didn't like it...I felt it cheapened things somewhat...I never want to be considered in the same light. I prefer to share my knowledge at my own detriment. The challenge....the conflict....it's the fun part. If all I wanted were easy wins....well I'd play nothing but bronze ;) - Jediluke
I totally agree and am in line with you're thought process, brother! I want to raise up people that will challenge us; I want to constantly improve! Open door policy here, anything I know anyone else can have, I just wish I had the time like you to in depth train some people! We're blessed to have you, my friend! - Mark392